Happy families with healthy food
We as an accredited certification body according to the ISO / IEC 17065 standard provide the following GLOBALG.A.P. certification services with two different accreditations. GRASP is considered as non-accredited module.
Our current scopes are as follows:
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetables FV, (IAS)
- Combinable Field Crops CC, (IAS)
- Flowers and Ornamental Plants FO, (IAS)
- Plant Propagation Materials PPM, (IAS)
- Chain of Custody CoC (IAS, TÜRKAK)
- GRASP - Non-accredited module
A Modular Approach to Integrated Farm Assurance
The GLOBALG.A.P. Certificate, also known as the Integrated Farm Assurance Standard (IFA), covers Good Agricultural Practices for agriculture, aquaculture, livestock and horticulture production. It also covers additional aspects of the food production and supply chain such as Chain of Custody and Compound Feed Manufacturing.
The IFA standard was revised through an extensive stakeholder involvement and consultation process and V5 was published in July 2015 with one year conversion period. This means that the V5 became obligatory in 2016.
Cultivating the Future of the Planet
The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Standard consists of General Rules and Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC.)
The GLOBALG.A.P. IFA CPCC are modular-based consisting of:
- The All Farm Base Module: This is the foundation of all sub-scopes and defines all the requirements that all producers must first comply with to gain certification.
- The Scope Module: This defines clear criteria based on the different food production sectors. GLOBALG.A.P. covers 3 scopes: Crops, Livestock and Aquaculture.
- The Sub-scope Module: These CPCC cover all the requirements for a particular product or different aspect of the food production and supply chain.
The scopes (e.g. crops) are automatically coupled to the sub-scopes that a producer or prodcuer group applies for.
For example, a strawberry grower must comply with the All Farm Base, the Crops Base, and the Fruit & Vegetables CPCC to receive a GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Fruit & Vegetables Standard Certificate.
AGFOCERT GLOBALG.A.P. Certification Services