Chain of Assured Product Status Standards by AGFOCERT (CAPS)

CAPS-200:2020 - Chain of Assured Product Status Standard
CAPS-200 standard covers the following modules.
- Gluten free,
- GMO free,
- Peanut free,
- Lactose Free,
- Caffeine Free and Decaf
- Fat free,
- Calorie free,
- Cholesterol free,
- Plant-based and Vegan

CAPS-220:2020 - HACCP Standard
is based on the following modules.
A- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene
CXC 1-1969:2020
B- Hazard Analysis and Risk Based Preventive Controls (HARPC) against “Title 21 Food And Drugs Chapter I Food And Drug Administration Department Of Health And Human Services Subchapter B - Food For Human Consumption Part 117 Current Good
Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, And Risk-Based Preventive Controls For Human Food”
Note : Assessment againsts requirements of HARPC is preparatory to official FDA assessments.

CAPS-240:2020 - GMP, GLP and GHP Standard
In non-food sectors is compliance with international GMP, GLP and GHP rules are seeked, and we developed the CAPS-240: 2020 standard for this. This standard encompass the implementation of the following standard under a product management system :
- A- ISO 22716:2007 Cosmetics — Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) — Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices
- B- ISO 11135:2014 Sterilization of health care products — Ethylene oxide
- C- ISO 11137-1:2006 (2013 AMD-1) Sterilization of health care products — Radiation • ISO 11137-2:2019, ISO 11137-3:2017
- D- ISO 13408-1:2008 (2013 AMD-1) Aseptic processing of health care products • ISO 13408-2:2018, ISO 13408-3:2006, ISO 13408-4:2005, ISO 13408-5:2006, ISO 13408-6:2021, ISO 13408-7:2012
- F- ISO 14644-1 :2009 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments, Classification of air cleanliness • ISO 14644-2:2005, ISO 14644-3:2005, ISO 14644-4:2001, ISO 14644-5:2004, ISO 14644-6:2007, ISO 14644-7:2004, ISO 14644-8:2006, ISO 14644-9:2012, ISO 14644-10:2013 , ISO 14644-12:2018, ISO 14644-13:2017, ISO 14644-14:2016,ISO 14644-15:2017,ISO 14644-16:2019, ISO 14644-17:2021
- G- ISO 14698-1-2003 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Biocontamination control • ISO 14698-2:2003 (cor1-2004)
- H- ISO 17665-1:2006 Sterilization of health care products — Moist heat • ISO 17665-2:2009, ISO 17665-3:2013

CAPS-260:2020 - Social Decency Standard
We wanted to introduce a standard that ensures a socially decent approach to business employees. For this, we took ISO 26000 standard as the basis and developed the core of the CAPS-260:2020 standard. Additional CAPS requirements have been incorporated .