GÜMÜŞDOĞA SU ÜRÜNLERİ ÜRETİM İHRACAT VE İTHALAT A.Ş.(Ballıca, Baraj, Geyiktaşı) ASC Freshwater Trout audit will be performed on dates 19-20-21-22.04.2021.
Certification, Academy and Laboratory Services
Assured Goals and Featured Operations
GÜMÜŞDOĞA SU ÜRÜNLERİ ÜRETİM İHRACAT VE İTHALAT A.Ş.(Ballıca, Baraj, Geyiktaşı) ASC Freshwater Trout audit will be performed on dates 19-20-21-22.04.2021.