Abalıoğlu Balık Ve Gıda Ürünleri A.Ş., GLOBALG.A.P.IFA v5.4-1GFS AQ + GRASP v1.3-1-i Ed1.2 audit has been performed dates on 09-10-11-12-13-14-15.10.2023

Horatalar Besicilik İnş. Taah. Turz. Nak. Tic. Ltd. Şti., GLOBALG.A.P.IFA v5.4-1 GFS AQ + GRASP v1.3-1-i Ed1.2 audit has been performed dates on 07-08-09-10.08.2023.

Liang Shing Frozen Seafoods Co. Ltd., GLOBALG.A.P.IFA v5.2 AQ + GRASP v1.3-1-i Ed1.2 audit has been performed dates on  12-13-14-15.06.2023

ABALIOĞLU BALIK VE GIDA ÜRÜNLERİ A.Ş. (Bodrum Site) ASC Seabass, Seabream and Meagre v1.1 audit will be performed on 01-02.02.2021.

Gümüşdoğa Yanıklar ASC Trout v1.2 audit will be performed on 02-03.12.2020.

Gümüşdoğa Sahilceylan ASC Trout v1.2 audit will be performed on 30.11.2020 & 01.12.2020

Abalıoğlu Balık ve Gıda Ürünleri Ören ASC Trout v1.2 audit will be performed on 08-09.12.2020

Gümüşdoğa Keban-Ballıca and Geyiktaşı ASC Freshwater Trout v1.2 Re-certification audit will be performed on 21-22-23-24.09.2020

We have performed the following GLOBALG.A.P. inspections at end of Februarry 2020: Gümüşdoğa AQ 18-19-20 , 24-25-26-27.02.2020 Gümüşdoğa CFM 21.02.2020 Akyol AQ 24-25-26.02.2020

We have attended in ASC tripartite meeting in 25-27 February 2020. It as in Den Haag the Netherlands. We explained the requests and problems of the aquaculture industry of Turkey one by one and listened our valuable partners. They took notes very carefully. We took our notes to implement. We continue serving our country and … Read more
